Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Anna Kate is 3 months old!

Anna Kate was three months old a few days ago so I figured I would let everyone know what she has been up to!

She loves her mommy! She also loves to eat. Nursing is going well, she has definetely hit a growth spurt in the past few days. She doesn't like her daddy so much, just yet. She still cries when she is left with him, I know that won't last long, pretty soon she will be "in love" with him just like Lexi is.

Anna Kate smiles and laughs all the time. She loves to talk, imagine that, she must have gotten that from her sister! Bathtime is a good time for Anna Kate, she loves it. The pacifer is her best friend. She loves to try and stick her whole hand in her mouth, she uses it as a paci as well. She perfers to sit up vs. laying down, she likes to be in the know. Lexi loves Anna Kate so much and Anna Kate lovs Lexi, she gets so excited when she sees her sister.

Sleeping is going well also, she sleeps all night, she only wakes one time to feed during the night around 4am. She is still in our room in the pack in play bassinet because I am just not ready to put her in her room yet. I'll be honest I don't want her to grow up, I guess knowing that this is my last child I want to keep her little forever. She can't go without her bunny blanket, she rubs it on her cheek to get to sleep.

She is already wearing six months clothes and can even wear a nine month outfit! We are going for a well baby visit tomorrow so we will finally find out how much she weighs. I will post an update after her appointment.

I can't believe it's been three months already. Where does the time go?

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